History of MCDAS
The Mortlach Community Development Committee was formed in August 1997 with the pupose to foster community growth, ensure community safety and enhanse community beauty. Representatives from all community groups were asked to have representation on this committee. In 2016, the committee was renamed Mortlach Community Development and Agricultural Society (MCDAS) which recognizes our agricultural roots and the fact that our community consists of residents who reside in the village of Mortach and the surrounding Rural Municipality of Wheatlands #163.
Purpose of MCDAS
MCDAS seeks to build community by identifying needs, raising funds, and implementing projects designed to beautify, to promote, and to enhance the community, making Mortlach and rural area an attractive place to live and to own businesses. Approval from the Village Council is made before making planned improvements. These projects do not use tax dollars but are developed through fundraising, volunteering, and collaborating with other local groups and community members.
The MCDAS meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Mortlach Memorial Hall. New members are always welcome.
MCDAS Community Projects
MCDAS has organized many educational and social events in the community. They have also funded projects to upgrade the community hall, install sidewalks, and plant trees. They had the vision for a festival that would showcase our community and businesses. The annual Mortlach Saskatoon Berry Festival has welcomed many visitors to Mortlach for over 10 years. Please read the Recap of MCDAS Projects for a more complete understanding of the many ways this committee has influenced and made improvements to our community. Both village and rural residents have benefited from the activities of this committee. Mortlach has been and continues to be a great place to live and to raise a family. We are thankful to former residents who worked hard on this committee and to those who are continuing to volunteer for the good of our community.
MCDAS Contact Persons
Ashley Buckley (President) - 306-355-2221
Kim Dreger (Secretary) - 306-631-5473
Aspen Hall (Treasurer) - 306-630-5123