Mortlach uses LORAAS Disposal for garbage and recycling pick up. Grey bins are for household garbage and blue bins are for recycling. Starting May 2023 Mortlach will have an alternating schedule of garbage pick up on Tuesday's one week and recycling the next Tuesday, and so forth. If your household needs an extra garbage or recycling bin, this can be provided at cost and will be added to your monthly utility bill. Please contact the office for further information.
The red bin is also available for residents only. You will require a key to access the red bin. Please see the Post Office or Village office during normal hours if you require a key. Key's are $10. Please place items IN the bin, not beside and be mindful of prohibited items such as:
Aerosol cans
Air conditioners
Automotive waxes
Batteries (including car batteries)
Biohazardous waste
Paint, stains or thinners
Paint solvents
Pesticides or weed killer
Pool chemicals
Roofing tar
Transmission fluid
Water treatment chemicals
Construction Waste
Mortlach's yard waste site is also located west of the Centennial Rink. This site is for branches, stumps, leaves (NOT IN BAGS), etc. Please no garbage or painted, stained or treated wood in this pile.